PatVerfü – The Advance Directive Against Psychiatric Coercion


The clever advance directive
protects you against psychiatric coercion and unwanted custody. Patroness of the initiative is the singer and performer Nina Hagen.
Here she explains this special psychiatric advance directive.

The Pat­Ver­fü, an ad­vance di­rec­tive with a built-in re­p­re­sen­ta­tion agree­ment, in which any un­wan­ted psych­ia­tric tre­at­ment and any de­pri­va­tion of li­berty whatsoever re­sul­ting from a psych­ia­tric dia­gno­sis is pro­hi­bi­ted by law.This works for German citizens at home and in certain countries and for anyone without a German passport living in Germany for at least 6 months.

To learn more, please read the publi­sher’s press state­ment about the PatVerfü, made on the same day the Ger­man Par­lia­ment vo­ted on the new law on me­di­cal ad­vance di­rec­tives:
Fi­nally, co­er­cive psych­ia­try can be put to a stop!